Create an emergency preparedness plan.
I do not want to repeat always myself with the same statement at the begging , all these questions are like half a.. questions the other half is what me and you can bring into this questions .
There is 100 emergency plans or more but I will give you my own survival as emergency plans are also rooted and for example, on banking and hospitality there is something called ( Buisness Continuity plan) and this is also an emergency plan and for sure I won’t share them ( joker said : if you got at something never give for free ) as this is a skill but I can share with the public my own energy plans that almost everywhere I have a long .
I made in 24 countries a home and a living for certain periods and some of these countries where islands and some with Desaster s like cyclones ect .
Plus some other countries there was political tensions and e actuation or an attack is a must but no time frames or dates that can happen any time .
And as some of the readers know my way of explaining it’s always based on true stories and nothing but life experience blunt and honest .
This plan I created my self for self surviving for any Disaster or circumstances and I will speak about 2 occasions that has happened to me .
One was in the dessert … imagine
I was in a show in dubai and things went wrong between me and the whole idea which I did signed and agreed on but never agreed on abuse or lies .
And a clash happened and I had 2 options , either I do what they want witch would touch my dignity and just for their show to boom , ( btw most of the 4 episodes are paid to watch I can not even see them free )
So the second option was to walk out in the middle of no where in the untied Arab emirates IN THE F…dessert in the night where you see nothing but stars . So I took my emergency bag and walked out as they thought a Capricorn like me and artist will step back and accept the oppressing situation and trust me I never knew the road or anything . (Phone was not allowed and was in the hotel in dubai and am somewhere near a place they call Jabal ali or what what .
So I survived till the next day evening I could see something and from their another story . TBC
Now since am a traveler I always had this emergency bag . back back that has everything that makes me stay alive anywhere for few days .
Surviving bag 1 demo : bottle of water (biker) Swiss knife , vitamins , soda (arm and hammer ) ors ( dehydrating sachets ) zippo and a regular lighter and matches , chop sticks , note hook , pens , screw driver , small kit that has bandage , red solution for wounds , alcohol 96percent small bottle , salt , tobacco ( always ) , torch , laser key holder , small radio (batteries) my famous ashtray, 3 m phone cable , tape , Panadol , motelium, nail cutters , zip lock bags , extra batters , solar light small one .
And for cyclone emergency the same bag will contain my labtop and hard drives passports and important documents inside the plastic zip bags the locked well with tape for no water to enter .
The second emergency was against cyclones right now I fog it the name but it was in Fiji 2019 December , where the water entered the bure and would have ruined all my important staff but because I was ready and the bag sealed it floated as it was tied to one of the pillars . And guess what at that day I was sick my Utica acid was like 7 million and could not get off the bed and on top of that it was my birthday 😂 yea 28 December 2019 you may google that cyclone name , it was not but but I had to swim out the bure .
Forgive my broken English .
So anyone wants to know why I used certain items in my bag always may comment and I’ll tell you but any business continues emergency plan for restaurants hotels ( I charge for that 😆💰)
The message here is : if death is at the door steps coming to us yes there is no way we survive but it doesn’t mean we die in the bath tube because we slide on the soap . Something like that … we know ourselves and what we need to do to keep always a worse case scenario in our life and I do this even in budgets cause worse case scenarios can happen and why should it happen and shock me while I can expect and be ready for and when it comes will try to survive with less damage .

Time it’s all about it can happen to you anytime